february, 2017

25feb5:00 pm8:00 pmTrinity Candlelight Dinner

Event Details

February 25th – Save The Date!!

Tickets on sale now!


Trinity United Methodist Church Presents the Annual Candlelight Dinner on Saturday, February 25th.  There will be three seating times: 5:00pm, 6:00pm and 7:00pm.  The dinner will be held at Schmitt Fellowship Hall at the Trinity United Methodist Church and the menu will be Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, cranberry salad, pickles, and cherry torte dessert.

Tickets are available at Gordy’s Market, Kelly’s Coffee House and Trinity Church Office (647-3203).  Ticket costs are adults: $10.00, children 5-11 years old $4.00; and children under 4 years of age are Free.  For ticket information please call Kathleen Corey-Pittman (536-3443).  Childcare will be provided.

Proceeds to benefit Trinity Youth Camping and Trinity and Peace United Methodist Churches.


(Saturday) 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Trinity United Methodist Church