Support and Giving



RC-UMC thanks all of our congregational members, family and friends for your deeply heartfelt generosity over the years.  Thanks for serving our church in so many loving and kind ways which have helped us reach many of our goals.  The unity we have shared has created…


One church.  One mission.  One fund.  Because it’s worth it.


Tithe & Offering

When you make a contribution, you are providing for every level of impact. Your giving keeps life-impacting ministry happening today and for generations to come. Because it’s worth it.

As a church we’re asking ourselves, “What if we all come together and do our part?”

What if we all give to one mission out of which all the work of the church is supported? One fund that will provide everything from maintaining the beautiful church and grounds we already have, as well as provide for kids and students, weekends, groups and more. One bucket of resources that, if filled, gives us the opportunity to turn all our What ifs into realities.

One church. One mission. One fund. Because it’s worth it.

Automatic Contributions

Automatic Contributions are an easy to use way to make your contributions to Richland Center United Methodist Church.  Simply take a voided check to the Westby Coop Credit Union, 2403 US Hwy 14 (near Walmart) and fill out an Automatic Payment Plan Authorization. We also have these forms in the church Narthex. This form lets you decide when your contribution will be transferred to Trinity’s account.  For more information, leave a message at the church office (647-3203) and the church treasurer will contact you directly.



The concept of “stewardship” comes from the Bible, in particular with reference to the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). The concept is this: God is the owner, and we are stewards — entrusted with the responsibility of managing the owner’s resources. We believe that everything we have is a gift from God, and therefore we are expected to use what we have to build God’s kingdom here on earth. Stewardship doesn’t just refer to our money, but all the resources we have been given, including time, talents and possessions.  Good stewards are also concerned about caring for things that don’t “belong” to us, like God’s creation, our friends and family, neighbors and strangers.