Lent, the period of 40 days before Easter (excluding Sundays), begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Saturday, the evening before Easter.

During Lent, we enter into a season of preparation, self-reflection and repentance when we seek to literally “turn around” and realign our lives and focus toward God. It is a time to give up things as well as take on new life-giving practices, helping us rid ourselves of distractions and our own selfish desires. By doing so, we seek to live and love as more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

Take Part in The 40 Day Prayer Challenge:


Join in the group at Peace UMC on Wednesday evenings

beginning on February 21st, at 6:15 p.m.

Be sure to mark your calendars with the 5-week series dates:

February 21st, and 28th, March 7th, 14th, and 21st


This has the potential to be the most significant forty days of your life! Why? Because prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do. When we pray, God starts fighting our battles for us! But you can’t just pray like it depends on God. You also have to work like it depends on you. Can we challenge you to throw yourself into this challenge? If you do, God is going to show up and show off His power and His grace in your life!


To read more details about the challenge, the “Draw The Circle” book

and the companion study guide, please click HERE.


Watch this short video with message from author Mark Batterson……

Click to hear message about The 40 Day Prayer Challenge!

Coins For Lent Family Activity:

During Lent, many of us are reminded once again to examine our lifestyles and ask, “What can we do for others?” Lent is a good time to commit to giving money to a project that helps those in need. One way to involve the whole family is to collect coins during the season of Lent, then donate what has been collected after Easter. Follow our Coins for Lent Giving Calendar as a guide.



The Easter Season, also known as Eastertide or the Great Fifty Days, begins on Easter Day and ends on Pentecost. Focusing on Christ’s resurrection and ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost), Eastertide is the most joyous and celebrative season of the Christian year. We celebrate the good news that in Christ’s death and resurrection we, and all creation, are continually being made new by God’s love and saving grace.

Rethink Miracles – Rethink Easter!




We believe that together, through God’s love,

we can experience the miracle of Easter. 


Rethink Miracles – Rethink Easter Video




Lent and Easter Reading – Upper Room New Releases


New Releases for Lent and Easter!