What is MOPS? MOPS International is dedicated to meeting the needs of every mother of preschoolers. MOPS strives to attain this vision through the local MOPS group. A MOPS group is started through a local church, and often has a leadership team made up of 8 key positions, although many groups start with only 2 or 3 leaders. Most MOPS groups vary in size from 10 to 200 women. MOPS groups usually meet once or twice a month, and often provide childcare through the MOPPETS program.
When is MOPS? We will be starting our RC-TaP MOPS group on February 2nd here at Trinity UMC, and every first Thursday of the month after that. Please invite any mom of infant to preschool aged children.
What do we need? We need support from our church and you can our support MOPS group in many ways by prayer, financially and by being a nursery volunteer attendant.
First, we need prayer as we start this ministry, we need prayer for our group, our leaders and our new moms. I would also like to invite any experienced mom to be a mentor. As a mentor your job would be to help us young newer moms on this crazy amazing journey. Please consider being a mentor mom. Lastly, to provide child care we also need moppets (the little ones) volunteers to watch them while mom gets encouraged and knowledge to help her in her “mom-ness”.
Lets reach the young moms of Richland Center and give them hope and support in one of the hardest jobs on the planet, being a mom.
For more information, please contact Heather Gladney at 920-509-2258.