Posted by admin on Jun 8, 2020 in Events, News & Publications | Comments Off on REOPENING SUNDAY JUNE 21st
Reopening with social distancing on Sunday, June 21st.
Worship time is 9:30 a.m.
Getting ready to welcome everyone back to church!
That statement might seem a bit odd because, as you know, we have had church every week online. Yet, there is just something powerful and amazing about meeting together as the church! Especially when it’s been many weeks since we met together in our Sanctuary!
These past few months have been quite trying, to say the least for all of us. For Pastors and Staff here at TRINITY, this building has felt quite empty every time we walk through it. We have missed the sounds of praise reverberate in the Sanctuary. We have also missed the voices of our children, youth, and adults as we fellowship and worship together.
As Pastor Rey and the church committee leaders prepares our church for reopening, there will be protocols and guidelines for everyone to follow when entering the church. Please check back, as there will be published guidelines/protocols for everyone to review in order to keep everyone safe!