

UMC Essential Publications – Click Here


Alive Now
A devotional magazine that seeks to nourish those who are hungry for a sacred way of living in the world.


Circuit Rider
A professional newsletter to address the spiritual, intellectual, and practical needs of pastors.


A devotional magazine designed just for youth.


A ministry magazine for United Methodists.


Mature Years
A quarterly leisure-reading magazine and personal Bible study for older adults based on the Uniform Series.


New World Outlook
The mission magazine of The United Methodist Church.


A fun devotional magazine for children ages 6-12.


Response Magazine
The official magazine of United Methodist Women.


The Upper Room
A daily devotional guide.


UM Men Magazine
A source for news and events throughout the connection of United Methodist Men.


United Methodist Handbook
A 48-page, colorful publication filled with comprehensive information about The United Methodist Church.


United Methodists in Service
A ministry publication for Korean speaking and Korean congregations.


A contemporary resource in the field of Christian spirituality.


Worship Arts
The publication of The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts.