Praying for Lebanon

Pastor, you may have heard about the fatal explosion in Beirut, Lebanon on Tuesday. According to media reports, more than 130 are dead, 5,000 injured and an estimated 300,000 have been made homeless. The impacts are unimaginable, coming on top of economic collapse last October and then COVID-19.

World Vision is on the ground responding with immediate support, including:

  • Food, household items, and hygiene supplies for thousands of families who are now homeless
  • Shelter support for those with damaged homes
  • Psychological support for children and families

Our heart breaks for the people of Lebanon, especially the many refugees living there who are already vulnerable. Our world has gone through so much this year, it’s hard to imagine yet another disaster.

But we have hope.

Through Christ we find peace that surpasses understanding, and the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven. He is near to the brokenhearted. Would you join us in prayer for:

  • Peace and safety for children, families, and World Vision staff in Lebanon
  • Comfort for those grieving the loss of loved ones
  • Increased access to food and shelter for vulnerable people

We are so grateful to partner with you in prayer. If your congregation and surrounding church community would like to help the most vulnerable impacted by this and other disasters, please give today. By giving, your church is delivering hope and practical help when disasters strike. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to those most vulnerable.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. —Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)
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Sunday Service Videos Now Online




With the rise of infected people around the United States and the need to keep everyone safe, TRINITY UMC has been closed since mid-March. However, we are happy to announce our “REOPEING” on Sunday, June 21st.  Trinity has establish sanitizing and disinfection protocol for thoroughly cleaning prior to reopening, as well as a continued high standards to provide everyone with a safe environment to attend in-person worship.  If you are have concerns and are not ready to return, please do what your heart and mind tell you to do.  We respected everyone’s decision.

However, if that means staying home and away from Church, you don’t have to miss Sunday’s Worship Services, as you can now view Pastor Rey’s worship service held each Sunday at PEACE UMC, by clicking on this link:


The worship services can also be viewed on local cable at 3:30 p.m. on Sundays as well.


Also, our giving will also suffer during this challenging time and we are letting people know that you can still give through your bank with automatic payments, just give them a call and see what you need to do to keep your giving current.  If you bank at WCCU they can also set up auto-payments or you can mail in your tithing.  Another option would be instead of weekly tithing, perhaps consider a monthly tithing. Whatever you choose to do will be a blessing… we want you to know that you are helping to support Trinity UMC during this challenging time, and we are most grateful for everyone’s commitment. 


As for the office, Pastor Rey, Pat and Kathy will be working from home remotely, and coming into the office only to get the mail and print the monthly newsletters and other mailings, as required.  Most important, is we need to keep praying for those who have been affected by the virus, our healthcare workers, our police and fire department, our businesses and our churches. Everyone is affected! Please stay safe.

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Guidelines For Reopening


Pastor Rey is requesting everyone take time to review the Trinity UMC Guidelines for Reopening our church.  The guidelines are based on some of the suggestions from the WI Conference for returning to public worship beginning Sunday, June 21st.

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Reopening with social distancing on Sunday, June 21st. 

Worship time is 9:30 a.m.

Getting ready to welcome everyone back to church!

That statement might seem a bit odd because, as you know, we have had church every week online. Yet, there is just something powerful and amazing about meeting together as the church! Especially when it’s been many weeks since we met together in our Sanctuary!

These past few months have been quite trying, to say the least for all of us. For Pastors and Staff here at TRINITY, this building has felt quite empty every time we walk through it. We have missed the sounds of praise reverberate in the Sanctuary. We have also missed the voices of our children, youth, and adults as we fellowship and worship together.

As Pastor Rey and the church committee leaders prepares our church for reopening, there will be protocols and guidelines for everyone to follow when entering the church.  Please check back, as there will be published guidelines/protocols for everyone to review in order to keep everyone safe!

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